Car showrooms and dealers

2016 / 08 / 01

While your sales and service team provide excellent customer service, Airius teams up with your HVAC system to provide increased comfort and energy savings.From showrooms, to parts storage and service bays, Airius has a solution to fit. Airius provides efficient air movement to recirculate rising warm air to the floor during the winter and reduce the cooling load during the summer.

If you have a facility with exposed structure take a look at our Standard Series Range, for architecturally sensitive spaces check out the Designer Series and for a facility with suspended ceilings check out our Suspended Series Range.

Features and Benefits

   Vastly improved comfort levels all year round
•   40%+ reduction in heating costs
•   25%+ reduction in cooling costs
•   25% – 40% reduction in carbon emissions
•   Rapid ROI – Usually 12 – 24 months
•   Recycles heat from solar gain, lighting etc.
•   Reduced showroom/garage heat up time
•   Condensation reduced or eliminated
•   Significantly reduced HVAC maintenance costs
•   Works alongside ALL types of HVAC system
•   Minimal running costs (from £6/pa)
•   Increases lighting lifespan
•   Balances mezzanine temperatures
•   Eligable for carbon reducing grants/loans